50+ Friends Club Cookbook

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Kool-Aid Play Dough

From the Kitchen of:  Jo

Comments:  Click here for original article by Kim Tilley containing this & other recipes.

1. Mix dry ingredients except Kool-Aid together in a big cooking pot.
2. Blend all liquids together in a bowl.
3. Combine with dry ingredients and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly.
4. Remove from heat when dough pulls away from the sides of the pot and can be pinched without sticking (about 5 minutes).
5. Turn onto board or counter and knead until smooth and play-dough consistency.
6. Divide into portions and knead in desired playdough colors. Store in airtight containers.

Note: If making only one color, the easiest way to add in the kool-aid is to mix it into the liquid ingredients before cooking.